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How Communication Power Enhances Team-Building Skills

How Communication Power Enhances Team-Building Skills

The key to a successful business is the balance between technological superiority and communication power. Communication is a critical component that helps employees, stakeholders, and senior officials collaborate better. Many people do not pay much attention to how they convey their thoughts in a professional setting. It often hampers their overall performance and interpersonal business relationships. It would not be wrong to say that words, at times, are the closest form of imagination. It is your responsibility to listen to your team and resolve their concerns. In one of her articles for Rebel’s Guide to Project Management, Elizabeth Harrin shares several methods that can enhance your communication power.

Tips to Improve Your Communication Power

Use Empowering Phrases

Many business leaders do not realize that their affirmations and imperatives can impact their team’s efforts. Harrin suggests that you should incorporate the following phrases into your professional settings:

  1. I am sorry I made a mistake.
  2. I can do it.
  3. I believe you.
  4. I respect your opinions.
  5. I appreciate your hard work.
  6. I want you on the team.
  7. I am listening to you.
  8. I need your expertise.

How Communication Power Can Bolster Accountability

Harrin mentions that communication power can help you improve your accountability to your team. Committing to a task verbally in front of your team makes you accountable for its completion. When your team undertakes a project, write down the goals you plan to achieve within a stipulated deadline. Announce it verbally so that your team is bound to complete them in the expected time frame.

Components of Communication Power

Non-verbal communication methods play an equally significant part in increasing overall productivity and team coordination. Make sure your body language supports your verbal communication and does not contradict what you say. Support your team and empower their decisions.

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